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Request knockout strain

The C. elegans Knockout Consortium, funded by NIH R24OD023041, will entertain requests for knockouts of C. elegans orthologs of human Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementia (ADRD) genes. They will be provided at no charge and with no expectation of collaboration. Strains will be sent to the Caenorhabditis Genetics Center upon production. You will be notified by email of their construction.

Please request by filling out the simple webform.

Thank you for your interest in using C. elegans genetics to model human disease.

Click on green question marks ? or start typing in a specific field to see more information here.

   Your Name ?
   Your E-mail Address ?
   Reference/source for ADRD association ?
   C. elegans Gene
   Type of Knockout No Preference
GFP insertion cassette